There are some interesting attributes to a virus, for one they aren't actually alive, they are pieces of genetic code that needs a host in order to function and carry out it's purpose. A virus can also have different strands, which makes it harder for the bodies immune system to recognize it as harmful. The medical community as well as the general population even try to destroy a virus by going after the symptoms and not the root cause. Hate in America is very much like a virus, it is nothing more than an idea that can take many forms until it has a host. America has played host to the virus of hate before it's inception mostly willingly and at times unwillingly. White America has built a body that the virus of hate can dwell and flourish in with very little input from the host.
Everyone is susceptible to the virus of hate, and at one time or another have been infected with it. The only cure for the virus is willful application of knowledge and the personal desire to destroy implicit biases. Like all viruses you become infected without your knowing. It takes some time for the virus to infiltrate the specific cells, connect to the appropriate DNA and then replicate. Once it has replicated enough you may then begin to experience symptoms. Hate works the same way, usually infecting the host at a young age through a parent or friend. At first, the host doesn't realize he's infected nor do the people around him. As the hate manifests itself in the host's thoughts it slowly gains its strength and before the host can take control of it, their actions personify the purpose of the virus. The host focuses it's hate on a specific subject. White America has chosen the subject to be Black America and on a smaller scale Brown America. It has set up institutions and ideals that reflect the hate and reinforce it with such precision and focus that it literally has a life of it's own and does not a need any one person to keep it going. Institutions such as slavery, Jim Crow, denial of mortgage loans, not hiring Black and Brown people, non access to social programs, the drug war, the school to prison pipeline, the projects, and food deserts within those projects, and the portrayal of Blacks in all forms of media. These institutions are fed by the individuals that are infected with the virus; no different than the pharmaceutical companies, insurance companies, and governmental agencies claim to protect you but are really only concerned with their profits.
Hate like many viruses don't necessarily show symptoms constantly; you may have a fever that's low and then goes high, or your stomach may hurt, or you may have a headache and at times you may not show any symptoms. People infected with hate may at times make some hateful joke and laugh it off, or doe something hateful and have an excuse, and other times just be outright hateful and dare you to say something about it. However hate manifests itself, it must be dealt with swiftly and with intention or it will hurt someone or worse infect someone. We can not go after the symptoms of hate and hope that the actual virus dies. We must go after the root cause of the problem and eradicate it, but before we can do that, those that are infected must admit that they are sick. But as long as the infected is in denial, the virus incubates itself from the cure.
Thanks for reading!!!
Yeah, my dude did a good job on this one..
Ok..I like this. When the hate manifest too long it can turn into a cancer and over take the mind. You are so right. White Americans have it to us be we spread it to each other.
I like this post a lot. There are so many layers and ways to view this perspective.
I dig it... But as long as man has walked this planet there has been hate/jealousy... The weak will always hate the strong or what they can never be... There is power in the blood of kings that no matter how hard you try to have it removed it's going to always surface... I don't think you can cure the hate for that... In my granny's words: Everybody got some good in em, just don't expect them to use it towards you.